Monday 20 February 2012


Some weeks ago myself,Ray Hegarty,and Ian Monahan met with Elaine Bannon,A youth worker on her way to Australia.
on Elaines request we had made a plan to shoot at Kilmainham Gaol ,scene of many a killing and hotbed of English suppression of Irish rebels during the heady days of the Irish colony.
On arrival at the proposed site we found that an illegally parked car had scuppered our original plan to make a shot featuring the large wooden door at the end of the prison building(just like several other great Irish plans, fate fiddled it all up,we all should pay more attention to the laws of probability!).
But as good forward planning always counts for something,We had a contingency plan,to shoot a long shot along the long wall, that went all the way to Kilmainham courthouse.
Well,on we went,we welcomed Elaine onto the pitch and set about getting set up! She chatted with Ian and Ray about all that was going through her head and how as her departure date got closer ,she was feeling the sense of fear rising in her,fear of the unknown,fear of what the future held for her,fear for what her life had to become in the future.But all in a good way!

For after all it is the fear that drives us all forward in one way or another.I suppose the ultimate fear for Elaine and countless other workers is the fear of what would happen if they did not strike out and put themselves in the centre of their own worlds and sought out a place where they could peacefully co-exist with all around free of the worry of budget cuts ,local government cutbacks ,or curtailment of grants to the organisations to which they report.Life in modern Ireland is indeed tough,and people on the frontline are falling,or indeed being cut back!
But sure on we go fighting the good fight and our government will continue to protect those who financially hedged their bets and continue to play the game set out by the real masters of out financial and virtual universe, and the one percent will abide  keeping their vaulted position free from the view of those incarcerated in the modern day equivalent of Kilmainham Gaol.
ON the night we were all blessed by a wonder of nature,that shone in the night sky.
A full moon rose as we were shooting and slowly made its way through the air.
As the night progressed and our shoot drew to a close the moon powered by love fell right into the corner of our shot.
It blessed Elaine for her adventure ahead and it humbled Ian Ray and my self as we marveled at its beauty in the context of our work on that night and how beautifully it had chosen to drop into our frame to reassure us that we were doing right by those on the move.

All is progressing well with the plans for St Patricks Day projections around the world and you can follow the progress of all at the newly set up fb page
Dates will be posted here
with 5 up at present and 5 more set to go live soon.
Please like and share the fb page and pass it out amongst your friends.

Big thanks as always to Ray Hegarty and Ian Monahan for being there on the night and Artur Sikora for coming by later to shine a little more light on the long wall.

Its been  while since the last post so please join me in the comments box and remember to use the share buttons above to get the word out there to the small world!
Big thanks as always


  1. Mad Man Moon in charge!
    Great shot Dave

  2. ITs not ofter that great ball drops at your feet.
    Thanks anon!

  3. Cool shot David and a fortuitous moon indeed.

  4. thanks Stephen i still cant believe it happened!!
