Sunday, 6 June 2010


If You are looking for some engaging photo-entertainment Dublin is definitely this place to be this summer.
we have already had a visual treat with the Griffith college summer show,The Iadt dun laoighre show contained many a poignant piece,theD.I.T. show opening on tuesday next,And photoIreland festival is about to happen in july with exciting events and exhibitions happening all over the town.
One of these exhibitions is for me very important as it showcases the work of a very talented group of people who I worked with
during december and january last.
It happened at the national college of art and design,and it was their certificate in photography and digital imaging.For my part I presented and set a project on environmental portraiture.Enthusiasm was high,emails flew,the work was great.Some of the resulting work i had access to is included in the slideshow at the end of the page ,just hit the play triangle in the blogger box at the end of the post.I wish all the group success with this show, their site is online now hereyou can download a screen version of their poster here
As always comments are important so please do express your opinion on this posting,it really helps,and i promise to reply!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. my sentiments exactly, couldnt have put it better.
    although i was logged in on a friends account and my comment came in on the name donal

  3. great stuff. time to rock'n'roll ;)

  4. nice one! but was expexting at least one mosquito....

  5. very ,very rare thing in ireland!!
